Category Archives: The Wild Child: Lisa and Vincent (1962~1971)

In the very beginning, there were two

The Exile: The Last Moment Before (Lisa 1989)

Two Author’s Notes: In my growing collection of Lisa stories I’m attempting to provide an explanation for the change in Lisa from the happy confident girl she was before Father threw her out of the tunnels, to the troubled, deeply … Continue reading

Posted in The Wild Child: Lisa and Vincent (1962~1971) | 9 Comments

Exile, part 1: Yearning (Lisa 1971)

EXILE, part 1: Yearning (Lisa 1971) If all else perished and he remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else remained and he was annihilated, the universe would turn into a mighty stranger; I should not seem … Continue reading

Posted in The Wild Child: Lisa and Vincent (1962~1971) | 2 Comments

Exile, part 2: Love and Fate (Lisa 1971)

[author’s note: This story will eventually be woven into an episode expansion of Arabesque but until that’s ready to publish, I wanted to make it available for readers as a kind of “trailer” for the finished work. This piece follows … Continue reading

Posted in The Wild Child: Lisa and Vincent (1962~1971) | 8 Comments

Mother Tongue, part 1 (Lisa 1962)

If all else perished and he remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else remained and he was annihilated, the universe would turn into a mighty stranger; I should not seem a part of it. ~Emily Brontë, … Continue reading

Posted in The Wild Child: Lisa and Vincent (1962~1971) | 3 Comments

Exile, part 1: Yearning (Lisa 1971) ORIGINAL VERSION This is a substantially rewritten story, the very first and very different version of which was composed (and posted) in response to this story challenge: after the “incident” with Vincent in which Lisa got injured and Father sent … Continue reading

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